Find a Certified Therapist
Choosing a therapist is the next step now. You can do so by country, language, specialization, or simply the 'feel' of the therapists. When available, we've provided links to their personal websites to help you get a better look at these experts. You can also often read testimonials on their individual webpage.
Why choose an Institute certified therapist?
The therapists listed on this website have taken lengthy training and testing to become certified by the Institute. In addition, they all adhere to 'pay for results' billing, taking away your financial risk when working with them. These therapists generally have also had extensive training in a variety of therapies - giving them a wide range of tools and approaches to help you with. These therapists can often work with you over the internet, not just in their office; and many are bilingual.
Why choose an Institute certified therapist?
The therapists listed on this website have taken lengthy training and testing to become certified by the Institute. In addition, they all adhere to 'pay for results' billing, taking away your financial risk when working with them. These therapists generally have also had extensive training in a variety of therapies - giving them a wide range of tools and approaches to help you with. These therapists can often work with you over the internet, not just in their office; and many are bilingual.
Find a bilingual therapist
- Nora Guerchouh (France)
- Kyron Yau (Hong Kong)
- Andre Motuz
- almost all therapists
- Elena Cattiaut (France)
German: (other than in Germany, Austria)
- Arkadiusz Glowacki (Poland)
- Leif Pedersen (Denmark)
- Joanna Zaborowska (Switzerland)
- Aleksandra Narkowicz (Sweden/Poland)
- Nora Guerchouh (France)
- Sonia Walcott (Australia)
- Mihai Ghita (Canada)
- Andre Motuz
Spanish: (other than in Spain)
- Veronique Broomfield (Costa Rica)
- Anne Latuille (France)
- Pauline Saby (Switzerland)
- Cristina Tejeda (Canada)
- Daniel Zeiss MD (Germany)
- Nora Guerchouh (France)
- Kyron Yau (Hong Kong)
- Andre Motuz
- almost all therapists
- Elena Cattiaut (France)
German: (other than in Germany, Austria)
- Arkadiusz Glowacki (Poland)
- Leif Pedersen (Denmark)
- Joanna Zaborowska (Switzerland)
- Aleksandra Narkowicz (Sweden/Poland)
- Nora Guerchouh (France)
- Sonia Walcott (Australia)
- Mihai Ghita (Canada)
- Andre Motuz
Spanish: (other than in Spain)
- Veronique Broomfield (Costa Rica)
- Anne Latuille (France)
- Pauline Saby (Switzerland)
- Cristina Tejeda (Canada)
- Daniel Zeiss MD (Germany)
There are several factors to consider when choosing a therapist
By country: Can you find someone you feel you can work with in your own country? Staying with people who share your own culture, language, and time zone will make your work time with them generally easier. To help your search, we've listed therapists by country (see below).
By native language: The easiest way to find native speakers is to look in your country listing. But some of the therapists have relocated to other countries. To help you find them, we list these therapists in both their birth and their new country. For example, say a Frenchman got tired of the cold and moved to Bali - he would be listed in both countries.
Most therapists are bilingual or even trilingual. Most of the therapists listed in every country speak English fluently (in fact, most took their training using English). Thus, English speaking clients have a lot of choices - you can choose your therapist by location, specialization, or perhaps simply by using your intuition. If you speak a language that most therapists don't, we've sorted through the therapists and listed the more rare languages (see below).
By specialization: Fortunately, most issues people have can be treated by any of these certified therapist. There is a list of common issues on this website under 'Find Issue'. Some therapists have also taken additional training beyond trauma therapy, to work with peak states of consciousness. If this is your interest, look at their listing, and be sure to ask the therapist when you contact them if they work in that area.
Many therapists also specialize in other specific problems, based on their previous interests and training. For example, they might focus on topics like addictions, sexual abuse, allergies, to name just three areas. To find these therapists, you'll need to either search through the country listings, or use the search box below and type in the specialization you want (unfortunately, you'll have to wade through a lot of irrelevant material, as this search box looks at everything in all our websites!)
By country: Can you find someone you feel you can work with in your own country? Staying with people who share your own culture, language, and time zone will make your work time with them generally easier. To help your search, we've listed therapists by country (see below).
By native language: The easiest way to find native speakers is to look in your country listing. But some of the therapists have relocated to other countries. To help you find them, we list these therapists in both their birth and their new country. For example, say a Frenchman got tired of the cold and moved to Bali - he would be listed in both countries.
Most therapists are bilingual or even trilingual. Most of the therapists listed in every country speak English fluently (in fact, most took their training using English). Thus, English speaking clients have a lot of choices - you can choose your therapist by location, specialization, or perhaps simply by using your intuition. If you speak a language that most therapists don't, we've sorted through the therapists and listed the more rare languages (see below).
By specialization: Fortunately, most issues people have can be treated by any of these certified therapist. There is a list of common issues on this website under 'Find Issue'. Some therapists have also taken additional training beyond trauma therapy, to work with peak states of consciousness. If this is your interest, look at their listing, and be sure to ask the therapist when you contact them if they work in that area.
Many therapists also specialize in other specific problems, based on their previous interests and training. For example, they might focus on topics like addictions, sexual abuse, allergies, to name just three areas. To find these therapists, you'll need to either search through the country listings, or use the search box below and type in the specialization you want (unfortunately, you'll have to wade through a lot of irrelevant material, as this search box looks at everything in all our websites!)
site search by freefind
Treatments for a few specific disorders are only taught to therapists specializing in them (such as Asperger's Syndrome) - you can find therapists with these specialized trainings in the 'Find your Issue' section of this website.
Ethical Guidelines for Institute Certified Therapists
The ISPS has ethical guidelines for certified and/or licensed graduates of our programs. If you are a client of an ISPS certified therapist, and have a complaint or wish to report an ethical violation, please contact us immediately so we can take appropriate action. The phone number is +1-250-509-0514 in Canada, or email us.