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Generational Issues

Many, many of the problems people experience can be seen in the ancestry or other family members. This problem is called 'epigenetic damage' in the medical field, and 'generational trauma' in the field of psychology. These issues are typically extremely emotionally painful, because they cause the conviction that there is something fundamentally flawed in one's being.

Your certified therapist can quickly and relatively painlessly guide you through eliminating these problems. Sometimes there are other issues involved which contribute to this problem, which can add to the length of the therapy sessions.

Some of the certified Peak States therapists that specialise in treating generational issues include:

Name Country Languages Website links
Agata Szyplinska Canary Islands, Poland Polish, English, Spanish
Nemi Nath Australia English, German
Amy Zook USA English
Dr Mary Pellicer USA English
Dr. Daniel Zeiss Europe, UK, US, Latin America German, English, Spanish

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Revision History
1.0, Sept 1, 2012: First draft of this webpage.