Danmarks (Denmark) certificerede terapeuter
Danmark har også en Peak States klinik i København & & en medicinsk klinik i Løsning i Jylland

Klik på et ikon for at se information om terapeuten.

Contact Languages Specializations
Nicolai Hassing photo
Denmark - Helsingør
Nicolai Lund Hassing

mobile: +45 6066 5066
Website: www.psykobiologi.dk
- Mental disorders
- Behavioural patterns

- Peak performance
- Goal settings
"Educated social worker with expertise in mental disorders".....    Learn more
Contact Languages Specializations
Mette Helstrup photo
Denmark - V. Skerninge
Mette Helstrup

tel: +45 21 26 30 69
Website: www.peakstatestherapy.com/helstrup.php
- Biotechnology
- Kinesiology
"A little bit about myself: I have a masters in chemical engineering and my interest has been biotechnology at university. I teach at a technical college, but have my clinic where I do kinesiology and from now on also peak states therapy. I find epigenetics and subcellular.....         Learn more
Contact Languages Specializations
Lailah Johanssen photo
Denmark - Copenhagen
Lailah Johansson, staff therapist

Tjoernevangen 23
2700 Broenshoej
tel: 45) 20616688
Website: peakstatesklinikken.dk
- Institute clinic, R&D staff
- trauma therapy (PTSD)
- peak states processes
- family and relationship therapy
- abuse
- depression
Lailah runs the Danish Peak States clinic in Copenhagen, and is an emeritus Institute trauma therapy instructor. Currently she is also part of the Institute applied research team working with new psycho-immunology disease treatments....        Learn more
Contact Languages Specializations
Kirsten Lykkegaard photo
Denmark - Copenhagen
Kirsten Lykkegaard DVM PhD
Director of Research


Tel: (45) 20643539
Website: www.psychoimmunology.dk
- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
- Asperger's Syndrome
"My passion is to see people be happy and thrive. This can be through regaining lost health or through new growth into who they truly are. There are many reasons to why a person is not living their full potential, feeling alive and on track. I assist you in zooming in on and heal what may be in your way for achieving your optimal health. Specialization: Traumatic brain injury (TBI).…         Learn more
Contact Languages Specializations
Leif Pedersen photo
Denmark - Vejle Nord
Leif Pedersen, staff therapist

Skolegade 8, Vejle Nord
Mobile: +45 51 17 18 38
Website: www.psychoimmunology.dk,
- Institute clinic, R&D staff
- trauma therapy (PTSD)
- peak states processes
- family and relationship therapy
- abuse
- depression
"I have a background in biology and sales management, and I have over two decades experience in conventional and cutting edge therapies. As a licensed psychotherapist, I have never had the chance to go as deep as we now do with Peak States therapy....       Learn more
Contact Languages Specializations
Anne Verner-Pedersen photo
Denmark - Vejle Nord
Anne Verner-Pedersen

Skype: anne.vp
Mobile: +45 28 80 00 28
- Children
Anne is presently not seeing clients.       Learn more
Contact Languages Specializations
Rosalina Reiter
Denmark - Aalsgaarde
Rosalina Reiter

Hulvejen 25
3400 Hillerød
tel: +45 22 92 20 22
Website: www.peakstatestherapy.com/reiter.php
- Trauma therapy
"With Fear as my personal teacher I have worked with spirituality, healing, psychotherapy, bodywork, bioenergetic and EFT for more than 25 years. I have been engaged in an effort to seek more life and healing for ordinary people. First when I met Peak States.....     Learn more

Ethical Guidelines for Institute Certified Therapists

The ISPS has ethical guidelines for certified and/or licensed graduates of our programs. If you are a client of an ISPS certified therapist, and have a complaint or wish to report an ethical violation, please contact us immediately so we can take appropriate action. The phone number is +1-250-509-0514 in Canada, or email us.