Find your issue

Institute certified trauma therapists can treat most client issues quickly and efficiently (with a 'pay for results' fee). To give you an idea of the range they have, we've listed some - not all! - of the more common therapy issues that they routinely treat on these webpages. Take a look In this section to see if your own issue is described. But the extraordinary value these therapists have for you is when other therapy approaches simply can't help, help slowly, or only help partially.

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Therapist specializations
In addition, certified therapists often specialize in specific problems, issues or conditions not listed here. This is because their backgrounds include other modalities (for example, some are MDs, NDs, or have other types of training) and have incorporated our trauma-therapy approach into their existing practice. To see if you can find one of these specialized issues, we suggest you do a search - you might find a therapist listed who specializes in your issue (or you might find it is a common problem that all certified therapists routinely treat).

But what if you can't find your issue?
First, discuss what you want treated with a certified therapist of your choice - their range of treatments is far beyond what this brief, simple website can cover. Secondly, your certified therapist continues to receive new techniques and training every year as the Institute develops treatments for more problems. The pace of new developments is fairly rapid, so keep that in mind and check back in the future if you haven't been able to get your issue solved some other way. (If you are interested, the Institute sends out infrequent newsletters and announcements as our work continues.)

Uncommon psychological issues
Your therapists are trained in recognizing the symptoms of various unusual diseases or disorders, and for the most part simply handles them as part of your treatment. But for some disorders, they will send you to a specialized therapist for co-treatment. Some of these disorders don't have a simple, well known label - others are found in the textbooks (for example, Asperger's Syndrome). Fortunately, you don't need to diagnose yourself - you simply work with your therapist who will sort this all out.

Peak states
Many people contact our certified therapists for help with issues involving unusual states or problems of consciousness. For example, a person might have triggered a 'spiritual emergency' (usually from meditation, drug use, or a life-threatening trauma). Or a person might just want to turn a momentary peak experience into a lasting, easily accessed state. Probably the most well-known example of a peak state treatment is our 'silent mind' state, which is particularly useful for mind chatter, obsessive thoughts, and the like. Contact a therapist of your choice to discuss this area with them.

Medical diseases

The Institute has started to open medical clinics in Australia, USA, and Denmark. If you have a chronic disease (such as TBI, Lyme, and so on), take a look at our list of serious diseases that we treat using psycho-immunology.