Example Client Medical History Form
Your certified peak states therapist will ask you to fill out a medical history form. This information can be important in helping diagnose your issue, so be sure to fill it out carefully. Note that your therapist may have his own form for this purpose. You can download a sample form by clicking here.
Medical History Form
Revision 1.4; Oct 2012
Name Tel Mob
Date of birth:
Relationship status:
Contact person (& phone) for emergencies:
Doctors name:
Doctor’s Tel/address:
Current state of health:
Current medical treatments:
Current alternative treatments:
Contagious ailment, current HIV, Hep C, other:
Past medical conditions and treatments:
Drug and Alcohol history:
Other relevant information, events in your life:
Any history of suicidal thoughts or actions, (if so, when):
Revision History
1.1 Oct 27, 2012: Added item on suicidal thoughts or actions.
1.0, Sept 1, 2012: First draft of this webpage of rev 1.3 of Oct 2007.