Bali Certified Therapists

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Contact Langues Spécialisations
Gaetan Klein photo
· France - Paris
· Indonesia - Bali
Gaëtan Klein, staff

Phone/ WhatsApp: +33 6 03 28 43 58
- Problèmes de confiance en soi, estime de soi, et auto-sabotage
- Sentiments d'insécurité et d'anxiété
- Syndrome d'Asperger
- Dépendances
- Self-confidence, self-esteem & self-sabotage issues
- Feeling unsafe / anxiety
- Asperger's syndrome
- Addictions
I was passionate about human change about as far as teenage, when I discovered self-hypnosis around 16. I had the intuitive knowing that there was much more to life than what seemed the norm in our society. I became a professional hypnotherapist at 22 and specialized in addictions…           Learn more

Spécialisé en thérapie des addictions et des traumatismes. Certifié en WHH, EFT, Hypnose & PNL, et autres techniques…. Apprendre encore plus

Ethical Guidelines for Institute Certified Therapists

The ISPS has ethical guidelines for certified and/or licensed graduates of our programs. If you are a client of an ISPS certified therapist, and have a complaint or wish to report an ethical violation, please contact us immediately so we can take appropriate action. The phone number is +1-250-509-0514 in Canada, or email us.