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Inner Peace Process™

The Institute for the Study of Peak States has developed a range of specific trauma healing processes to improve well-being. An example is ‘The Inner Peace state’ process. This state gives a sense of underlying calmness and means that past trauma has a much more limited effect in the present. In this state, emotions are experienced in proportion to whatever is happening, so ‘emotional triggers’ are greatly reduced.

Since the vast majority of people’s daily problems are caused by past traumatic material surfacing in the present, you can imagine how much better they would feel if they were in this state. This state is particularly useful for people suffering a large number of emotional issues. Rather than try to heal these issues one at a time, this process greatly reduces the tendency to access the emotionally painful past traumas that underlie the issues.

The process typically takes three sessions, but can be longer in some cases.

A demonstration of the process

Below is a video of a group of people in 2002 using a very simplified version of the Inner Peace Process. The first half of the video explains the theory - the second half shows people actually doing the process.

If you use the material on this video, you implicitly and explicitly take full legal responsibility for anything that might happen to you or to others you share this with - the Institute, its staff and licensees are not legally liable for your choice. Some of the negative reactions can include long lasting physical and emotional discomfort, changes in your close interpersonal relationships, and an unstable state. This simplified, self-help video process is not appropriate for people with a diagnosed psychological condition. If you are interested, you can see more information on this process at our Institute website, or read the story behind it on our blog.

This simplified process works on about 1/3 of the people who try it. To work with a trained and licensed Peak States™ therapist on a 'pay for results' basis using a potentially more effective process, click on the 'Find Therapist' on the upper navigation bar.

This video is copyrighted © 2002, and the Inner Peace Process™ is trademarked by the Institute for the Study of Peak States.

Most of the certified therapists are competent in working with this issue. Feel free to contact any therapist of your choice to ask for a treatment quote.