Welcome to the world of trauma therapy!

This website is for folks, perhaps like you, who are suffering in some difficult way; or perhaps you are interested in personal or spiritual growth; or simply want to see if you can get back one of those wonderful feelings you once had.

Treating 'unsolvable' issues
There are a lot of therapists out in the world, practicing a wide variety of techniques. So why choose one of our therapists? What makes them different? The answer is simple - they can eliminate certain issues or disorders that other therapists cannot, or only do poorly. These range from issues many people have, like depression or trauma, to major issues like hearing voices, ADHD, OCD, Asperger's, and more. And our therapists all use ‘charge for results’ - if treatment didn’t work, there is no fee.

Cutting-edge therapists
The unusual therapists listed on these pages have invested much time, money and training to acquire the skills to help you. Generally, they came to the Institute's training because they had reached the limitations of every technique they knew, and wanted to be more effective in helping their clients. The techniques these therapists learned from the Institute for the Study of Peak States, and the understanding of what is happening biologically in people, allows them to be far more effective in treating serious problems than they were before.

Subcellular book cover image
Although they are trained by the Institute to use peak states® techniques (such as our regression trauma technique, Whole-hearted Healing®), these therapists also employ a variety of methods and techniques from other cutting-edge therapies. What makes them unique is not only their extraordinary ability to help clients, but that they share one of the most unusual commitments in psychotherapy or medicine: they only 'charge for results'. This high ethical standard is one of what makes certification from the Institute mean something special.

Who are we?
The small team that started the Institute for the Study of Peak States back in 1998 was driven to find ways to eliminate or reduce people's suffering by exploring prenatal trauma and subcelluar psychobiology. In the decades since then, we have expanded to a world-wide group of therapists, a training school, and a number of published textbooks. We also have an online symposium each summer, with YouTube videos of the presentations.

All the certified therapists have their own private practices; and are also part of a peer-to-peer network. A number of these experienced, multilingual therapists also volunteer to assistant other certified therapists with particular specialized psychological disorders, and act as general backup for difficult cases. Our CEO Shayne McKenzie (Australia) coordinates these hard-working therapist volunteers; the founder Grant McFetridge PhD (Canada) and the research director Kirsten Lykkegaard DVM PhD (Denmark) develop new treatments; and the medical director Mary Pellicer MD (USA) works in research and also leads the testing of new treatments. To see all the volunteer staff, visit our staff directory.

Trauma psychobiology
In these pages of the website, you can read short explanations of why the peak states trauma psychobiology approach is so different and effective. Or you can simply skip this section, taking it on faith (after all, you will only be paying the therapist if you get results!). If you want more, you can use the forum to give feedback about your experience and ask questions, or click through to the Institute's research website (where we talk about our biological and prenatal models of development), or read details of our therapist training program.

More about trauma psychobiology…
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